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  It's time. 昵称: VOIRVIEDPERDRE [24/04/22(一)16:24 ID:L6hyMBC6] No.2185  
Along with the war in the Middle East, some ancient beings buried underground have been awakened. Several dangerous individuals of S-class or higher have been identified, and so far they do not appear to be intelligent, but extremely bloodthirsty.
The Middle East division has lost dozens of commissioners, and they asked me to bring a message to everyone in the Secret Party that they are about to run out of people, even though the Middle East division understands that the current situation in the world does not allow for support from the elites of the major divisions.
By the way, there is a traitor among you, and His return cannot be avoided.
类别: Warning
翻译 昵称: National [24/04/25(四)22:04 ID:KS7GADAg] No.2191   